Pain Medicine

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What is it?

Pain medicine specialists assess, diagnose and treat patients with complex pain, caused by acute injury, chronic pain that persists after an injury has healed, related to cancer, or sometimes as a primary problem without an obvious cause.  Treatment of complex pain conditions often involves a multi-disciplinary approach. 

The medicolegal challenges of chronic pain: from diagnosis to treatment

by Dr Rishi Khanna, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management

Chronic pain is extremely common, affecting as many as 20% of adults in the UK at any one time. Chronic pain conditions are amongst the commonest reasons for disablement, with low back and neck pain consistently being the leading causes.

The medicolegal implications of hindsight bias 

In the context of clinical medicine, bias is the predisposition to form premature or undue impressions that are not based on the actual data to hand. Hindsight bias refers to the tendency to exaggerate one’s own ability to predict the inevitability of an outcome once that outcome is already known.

Outcomes after foot and ankle injuries and their medicolegal implications

Ankle injuries are extremely frequent: sprains account for around 5% of all Emergency Department visits in the UK each year, while ankle fractures are one of the commonest fractures to require surgical intervention.