Category: Psychiatry
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30 January 2025
The loss of a family member by suicide is often extremely traumatic for those left behind and litigation in these circumstances is very common. However, as with every medicolegal case, it is necessary to prove that the treating psychiatrist and/or hospital staff were negligent and it was this negligence that led to the patient’s death.
31 March 2021
Until recently, evidence in medicolegal cases was collected from physical sources, such as patients’ medical histories, witness statements and expert witnesses. Technological advances mean that other sources of evidence, including social media, CCTV monitoring and GPS tracking, are now available. Many personal injury cases involve insurance companies, who are likely to use these methods of […]
26 August 2020
In the majority of medicolegal cases, the outcome is dependent on the opinions expressed in experts’ reports. Therefore, these must be based on high quality evidence, particularly in cases where the questions surrounding breach of duty, causation and the damage sustained by the claimant are complex. Furthermore, once a case has gone to court, it […]
16 July 2020
In medicolegal cases, it is rare for the legal teams involved to have sufficient specialist knowledge to make a judgement on the medical issues raised by a case. Therefore, they rely on medical experts to provide them with advice. It is the duty of the medical expert to provide the court with an objective and […]