Category: Plastic Surgery
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29 January 2021
Consent is a process that protects one of the primary tenets of ethics, autonomy – the right to choose what happens to oneself. It enshrines the concept that a patient has a right to make the decision of whether or not they undertake a procedure. Therefore, before a medical procedure can take place, clinicians are […]
10 December 2020
Scarring is an entirely normal physiological process evolved over billions of years to heal wounds, and an inevitable consequence of injuries whether they be deliberate and necessary (following an operation) or unintended (following an accident). But, what actually is a scar? A scar is a healed wound that has healed in a way that is non-identical to […]
8 December 2020
Mr Pundrique Sharma, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, is new to the Medicolegal Partners’ expert witness team. Find out more about him in his own words in this short introductory video.
23 November 2020
Once solely the preserve of the rich and famous, the popularity of aesthetic cosmetic surgery has exploded in recent years. This is partly due to societal factors, such as an increasing emphasis on youth and personal fulfilment. In addition, cosmetic and aesthetic surgery procedures and techniques are developing rapidly, and new technologies and treatments are […]
26 August 2020
In the majority of medicolegal cases, the outcome is dependent on the opinions expressed in experts’ reports. Therefore, these must be based on high quality evidence, particularly in cases where the questions surrounding breach of duty, causation and the damage sustained by the claimant are complex. Furthermore, once a case has gone to court, it […]
18 August 2020
What is plastic surgery? The word “plastic” in plastic surgery has, of course, nothing to do with “plastic” the material. In fact it actually predates its use for the material by a good couple of centuries! Both words have the same derivation – they come from the ancient Greek word “plastikos” which roughly means to […]
16 July 2020
In medicolegal cases, it is rare for the legal teams involved to have sufficient specialist knowledge to make a judgement on the medical issues raised by a case. Therefore, they rely on medical experts to provide them with advice. It is the duty of the medical expert to provide the court with an objective and […]