Category: Cardiac Surgery

2 July 2024
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), which is also known as heart bypass surgery, involves taking a blood vessel from another part of the body, usually the chest, leg or arm, and attaching it above and below the damaged area of the coronary artery.
11 August 2023
Once aortic valve disease has been established, most patients are initially treated conservatively, through ‘watchful waiting’, but many are eventually offered surgical replacement of the defective valve. However, deciding whether to perform surgery, and the optimal timepoint at which to do so, remain challenging.
31 March 2021
Until recently, evidence in medicolegal cases was collected from physical sources, such as patients’ medical histories, witness statements and expert witnesses. Technological advances mean that other sources of evidence, including social media, CCTV monitoring and GPS tracking, are now available. Many personal injury cases involve insurance companies, who are likely to use these methods of […]
26 August 2020
In the majority of medicolegal cases, the outcome is dependent on the opinions expressed in experts’ reports. Therefore, these must be based on high quality evidence, particularly in cases where the questions surrounding breach of duty, causation and the damage sustained by the claimant are complex. Furthermore, once a case has gone to court, it […]