Bristol Clinic date announced

19 Nov 2020

Dr Chris Jenner, Consultant in Pain Medicine and experienced expert witness, will be running a pain clinic in Bristol on 21st January 2021. If you have clients who would benefit from an appointment with him, please email or call 020 7118 0650 to book a place.

As a leader in his field, Dr Jenner is well-known as an experienced and skilled expert witness in a wide range of medicolegal cases involving pain. He has been an expert for 15 years and his instructions are broadly divided as claimant (55%), defendant (40%) Single Joint Expert (5%). He provides reports for both medical negligence and personal injury claims.

His particular areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:

  • Neuropathic pain
  • Chronic and chronic widespread pain
  • Chronic Pain Syndromes
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Phantom limb pain and Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome
  • Multi-disciplinary pain management
  • Fibromyalgia